Easy Halloween Bento with Cheez Whiz!

Easy Halloween Bento with Cheez Whiz!

Making kids bento boxes for their merienda  or school baon is what’s in these days. Kids are more excited to eat because they get their rice, sandwiches, vegetables, and fruits in fun shapes. It’s also very appetizing and nice to look at colorful lunch boxes and plates so kids will definitely eat more. To be honest, it’s actually my first time dipping my hands into and trying out making a bento box for Ykaie.

The reason why is I’m a little bit intimidated in making a bento box. It looks complicated and hard to do, right?  Since I love Halloween, I guess this is a good time of the year to get my creative bento juices flowing. Besides, I have a good partner that made my bento-making easy and delicious : Cheez Whiz!

Easy Halloween Bento with Cheez Whiz!

Cheez Whiz has been in the market for 50 years creating delicious moments of joy for both moms and kids . I grew up spreading Cheez Whiz over hot pandesal during breakfast, together with ham in between two slices of bread as baon, or in making cheese sauce.

But now, moms has to think of more ways for their kids to enjoy eating healthy — and one of them is making bento boxes.

Like what I’ve said earlier, I’ve always been intimitdated in making a bento box for Ykaie. Getting inspiration from CheeseAnything.com, I managed to make a Cheez Whiz Halloween Bento for her to bring as her school baon.

Her theme is Jack O’ Lantern/Pumpkin Bento. Using a pumpkin shaped bread cutter, I cut up wheat and plain bread then used Cheez Whiz Pimiento as breadfill. The eyes and mouth was made up of cut-out Nori. Along with the sandwiches are:

  • peeled ponkan also made to look like a pumpkin with green gummi belt on top which acted as a stem;
  • the smallest apple;
  • green candy in a small bottle for a make-believe witch’s potion;
  • and carrot sticks.


Easy Halloween Bento with Cheez Whiz!

This is a healthy baon/merienda including that small bottle of candy which serves as a “treat” for my little girl. I can’t believe how easy and fun it is to make a bento box.

Easy Halloween Bento with Cheez Whiz!

My heart almost jumped out of my chest when I saw Ykaie’s face light up when she saw her baon that day! She also loves Halloween…. and Cheez Whiz!

Now that I already have an account at CheeseAnything.com, it will be easier for me to create healthy and delicious meals, bento baons, and wonderful cheesy snacks for my family.


28 Responses

  1. My kids love cheez whiz! I should create bento boxes for them too, noh? I’ve been putting it off for the longest time. I feel like it’s so hard to do. Haha!

  2. I look at all the Bento boxes other bloggers create and I get more unsure about my creativity or lack thereof, hahaha. I don’t think I can make pretty bentos at all.

    Wish I can make my kids eat raw carrots dipped in cheese whiz!

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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