Kiss Aging Goodbye With Watsons

Kiss Aging Goodbye With Watsons

The realization that I should start taking really good care of my skin to prevent aging hit me in my early thirties. That’s when I started noticing spots on my face and felt that my skin tends to become dry. I guess it was the puyat, the stress, and the hectic life that’s making my skin age faster. So I bought some products that would help me in making those dark spots vanish and moisturizers to keep my skin hydrated.

These days, aging starts to manifest as early as your 20’s. Crow’s feet and laugh lines make an early appearance. Good thing Watsons is helping thousands of women Kiss Aging Goodbye in its latest anti-aging campaign.

Hosted by Patty Laurel, the Kiss Aging Goodbye campaign was launched last week at Watsons at The Podium.

Kumare Bloggers: Me, Mareng Levy (, and Mareng Pehpot (

Of course, the Kumare Bloggers was there, because we love anti-aging products!! and because we always laugh so hard when we’re together– laugh lines will definitely show on our faces if we don’t take care of it really well.

Kiss Aging Goodbye With Watsons

So what is The Kiss Aging Goodbye?

According to Watsons Marketing Director, Ms. Viki Encarnacion “The Kiss Aging Goodbye campaign is what Watsons is all about. It’s an educational effort with a two-pronged approach, teaching our customers how to prevent the negative effects of aging by taking care of themselves inside and out. We are literally helping people ‘Look good. Feel great.’ And it’s a wonderful thing.

Kiss Aging Goodbye With Watsons

Here’s how the two-pronged approach works.

Looking good when you’ve been bad- that’s the first challenge most of us face. We abuse our bodies in our younger years with long days at work and late nights out, to the point that wrinkles, circles, saggy skin, and dark spots can seem almost inevitable. Thankfully, they’re not. If you just take the right measures early on, you can prevent the physical manifestations of aging from ruling your future regardless of your past. To help you kiss those wrinkles goodbye, try L’Oreal Dermo Expertise Revitalift Range—a skin care solution inspired by laser, that promises younger looking skin in 4 weeks! Or bring back your baby skin with Collagen by Watsons Intensive Nourishing Facial Mask, enriched with Collagen and Vitamin E to repair dryness and enhance skin’s elasticity.

Feeling so great inside it shows on the outside- that’s the second lesson in keeping yourself young.  Topicals and creams are a great start to your anti-aging regimen, but stop there, and you’re only scratching the surface. A lot of the signs of aging we see on the outside is caused by the body breaking down on the inside. Calcium deficiency and lack of collagen are two common culprits. To help prevent a haggard look, you should give yourself the added nutrition you need in the form of food supplements and ingestible beauty aids such as  iVi Collagen Ready-To-Drink, with 10,000 mg of Collagen that helps smoothen fine lines, and lighten dark spots for that forever-young glow.

Watsons is known for providing us good quality products for an affordable price. Our beauty regimens need not be expensive for it to be effective.


In line with Watsons Kiss Aging Goodbye campaign they also launched a promo. Just look for products with a Kiss Aging Goodbye sticker and you can get  a chance to win a total of ₱1,000,000 shopping points with your SM Advantage Card from August 4 until September 21, 2016!

The Grasyas and the Kumare Bloggers kissing aging goobye! ( We miss you Badet!)

Let’s all kiss aging goodbye with Watsons!


6 Responses

  1. I am hearing the benefits of collagen. For now, I may opt-out but soon enough, I’ll surely be giving it a try. Though it can be used as early as early 20s (for lesser amount as far as I know), for now, I’ll just consume the beauti drink which can be bought in 711. hahahha But sure it is so envious that watson had recently a sale towards their collagen products! 🙁

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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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