Every student feels it’s over as soon as the essay is written. There are those who even consider own paperwork a masterpiece, but there is always something you can fix and make better. If you wonder how you can improve the essay by editing it, then you’re at the right place. First of all, you should put the essay away and take a rest.
You may use the best proofreading service, but you also can read this article to find out about editing paperwork. When you start to reread your paperwork, you will certainly notice a lot of inaccuracies, unreasonable repetitions, and logical errors. You may even notice that you miss some parts of a sentence. Sometimes it happens that while you reread the paperwork, a new interesting idea reaches you, which will be suitable for the essay.
Tips for Editing Paperwork
There is no point in correcting typos and spelling errors if you still need to focus on the logical structure of the paperwork. Therefore, before you change your essay, follow these steps:
- Edit the logical structure. Make sure that the essay has an introduction, major part, which is divided into paragraphs and conclusion. Check them all. Remember that the main purpose of the introduction is to attract attention and represent the topic in the best way. In conclusion, it is necessary to summarize briefly what has already been said and finish it with your attitude to the problem or propose the solution to this problem.
- Reconsider your thesis. Check the last sentence in your introduction. This should be your statement of the thesis. Does it look like the logical center of the whole paperwork?
- Check if the resting part of your paperwork meets the requirements that you have stated in your thesis? Add transitions between paragraphs, if necessary.
How to Edit in Microsoft Word
Most likely, you write paperwork in a text editor like Microsoft Word. Most of the text editors have spell checking. First of all, enable this spell check to see spelling errors. Correct them in the right order.
The next thing to do is to use a text editor to check the grammar and look for grammar mistakes. Now, most of the editors recognize the punctuation, define the optimal length of the sentence, the passive voice, the use of time and so on. You should use own knowledge too but not only what the text editor offers.
After you are done with the previous steps, it’s time to print the paperwork to check it by hand. The mistakes can be easily seen on paper than on a computer screen. Start with the basic position of your essay. Is it clear and simple to understand? Does the content of the essay correspond to the basic statement in the introduction? If not, you may need to change the clause so that it represents the content.
Additional Tips
When the content of the paperwork is read, you need to double-check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation – manually. The text editor just may not notice all of them. Carefully check the agreement of the subject and the predicate, the times, the plural forms, cases, parts of the sentence, the length of the sentence and the use of commas.
If you have a possibility, let someone read your paperwork and ask what person can suggest improving in it. Considering the fact that you have seen your paperwork many times, it’s better to postpone it for a couple of days and then reread it.
Analyze how your paperwork is perceived. Is the sentence change another one smoothly? Are all the paragraphs logically ordered? Do not miss to answer the following questions:
- Whether events in the paperwork occur sequentially.
- Whether one idea contrasts with another.
- Whether you describe the relationship between cause and effect.
- Whether you connect similar ideas.
Do not think that you should only check the spelling. Reread your paperwork and make sure that there are no ambiguous expressions, unsuccessful structures, etc. Such editing may seem boring, tedious and take too much time, but it can be turned into a fairly easy task. Remember that you need to check slowly and carefully each word.
2 Responses
Nice tips sis! Will keep these in mind when I need to write a paper. Thankfully, I don’t need to…yet. hehe
Definitely taking a look at your thesis is important. I think sometimes you can write the thesis and paper and then find the paper goes in a slightly different direction than you thought. Editing the thesis can make all the difference in putting together and interesting paper.