Small Secrets of Puppy Potty Training

If you don’t have any experience with dogs, then puppy potty training probably seems pretty intimidating to you. However, the whole process is rather basic and can be segregated into small individual processes.

Small Secrets of Puppy Potty Training

Most importantly, this type of training can help build discipline in a dog, the same discipline required for almost anything else. It is very important for a puppy to listen to you, to respond to your commands and to be patient when needed. This is crucial for helping a dog exist in a human society where certain type of behavior is necessary.

Without further ado, check out all the steps you need to perform in order to train your puppy how to potty.

  • Always keep in mind that puppies are nothing more than little babies

Like with our own kids, puppies have similar patterns of behavior. Yes, they do mature quickly but there is still a long period during which they behave like unruly children and later on, teenagers. This period can be quite exhausting for the owners but it is something that is normal. Puppies learn from you; by watching your behavior and by listening to your commands. However, even if a puppy is well behaved, there are good chances accidents will happen and that floor will get dirty. Make sure to prepare for that and in such situations, don’t be mad at the pup.

  • When everything else fails, love and treats are always the solution

During initial stages, it is really hard to persuade a dog to behave in a certain way. Even if you explain to it that it needs to potty outside, it is questionable whether it will listen to you. There is often not enough stimulation for a dog (especially if you managed to spoil it). So what’s the best way to address the issue? Always carry treats in your pockets. Whenever dog does something correctly, make sure to give it a treat (can be applied for all types of trainings). Petting can also be a good stimulation as pups love to cuddle. No matter what you do, make sure to avoid any type of punishment whether it be physical or verbal.

  • You are the adult. Make sure not to forget that

You need to take charge from the get go. If you allow a puppy to make decisions for you, it won’t end well. In a way, you are like parent to it and baby pet will adopt various forms of behavior from you. That doesn’t mean you should potty together in the park. Instead it refers to the fact that you need to take it for a walk when it’s necessary. You as an owner need to predict every pet’s need and act upon it. Your word always goes no matter what and even if a dog doesn’t like it, you need to force it somehow to do it.

  • Dietary habits are important

You often see people feed their pets various types of food. This can pose a big problem when they’re young as you cannot be certain how they will digest said food. You also don’t know how much time it take for a dog to digest it. Having in mind that puppies are small, their organs are small as well. This means they are unable to keep it in and will usually act according to their basic needs. In other words, if they need to go, they’ll go. Best thing you can do is feed it each day at the same time and with the same portion. Try not to fancy with food and avoid giving human food (at least until it learns how to potty properly). Also, if a dog doesn’t eat the full portion, make sure to remove it. Eating numerous small portions during the day can disrupt metabolism making it harder to predict bowel movement.

Last thoughts

Potty training can be really boring for some people but if you think about it, the whole process is nothing more than a series of things done at the precisely right time. If you’re disciplined yourself, there are good chances that this discipline will rub on your pet. So, take your time and make the best out of i


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My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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