I told you I’m a late bloomer right? I learned to drink am still learning to drink now that I’m in my thirties. Why? because I never liked the taste of some beers or wines or anything with alcohol, for that matter. Recently, I am discovering some wines and beer which doesn’t have the taste of alcohol, only full bodied flavors. You know, what I found out, driving under the influence is the most common crime commited by people who drinks.
For you to be Drunk Driving or Driving under the influence, your blood alcohol level should be above the legal limit set by your country or your state. Different country and states have different level of limits. This is a fairly common crime and it’s most common in places where there are lots of parties and clubs. If for example, you were charged with drunk driving in San Diego, you will need a strong San Diego Drunk Driving Defense to keep your license from being revoked, you from being embarassed and of course, to avoid those fines.
Don’t worry, I don’t think I’ll be caught drunk driving soon because first, I don’t really drink that much …… and second, I don’t know how to drive.