Mommy Peach is a PR Friendly Blog. It is blog about everyday mommy issues, parenting, marriage, kids, a little bit of travel, and beauty — basically all about me and my family. I also blog about some product features, those that I’m currently trying — specially when I’m loving it.
Reviews and Giveaways
I enjoy doing product reviews for companies big and small. If you have a product that you’d like to have featured on Mommy Peach, please send me an e-mail. Make sure you include a description of the product, and a link to your website.
A review is a great way to promote your product and get honest feedback. Products will be reviewed and posted within 2-3 weeks of receiving the product unless otherwise stated. Offering a giveaway with a review is highly recommended. When you offer a giveaway along with a review, your post will receive more traffic which means more exposure for your product and/or website. My giveaways generally run for 1-2 weeks.
Sponsored Post/ Advertorial
I would love to work with you on an advertorial/ sponsored post. It will be the top post for two days and will be on the home page for at least 5 days.This gives your brand/ product maximum exposure to readers.
I’m still working on Mommy Peach media kit, but in the meantime please contact me if you want to talk about other creative partnerships.
For other creative partnerships, invites and other inquiries please contact me at mommypeachkitchen(at)gmail(dot)com

My name is Peachy and I’m a foodie mommy living in the Philippines.I am a mom to two daughters named PURPLE SKYE and PERIWINKLE MOONE and wife to a loving husband I fondly call peanutbutter ♥
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@thepeachkitchen Ang ganda dito sa #CazaPeregrine 😊 Tara, #breakfast tayo! #FoodiePH #mountainview #LearnItOnTiktok #Almusal #pinoyfoodie #hamsandwich #coffee #tapsilog #wheninrizal #rizalrestaurants #rizalcafe #pinoyfood #pasyal #pasyalmode #seaofclouds
♬ original sound - ThePeachKitchen - ThePeachKitchen